Wednesday 22 July 2009

Job Losses in Leicester Schools

If you want to know why this "Local Government Matters" campaign to protect council jobs and services in the East Midlands is important, you need look no further than Leicester, where it looks like cash strapped schools may have to make teaching assistants redundant.

Gary Garner, Leicester City UNISON Branch Secretary said: "UNISON has become alarmed at the number of primary schools reporting financial difficulties. This has resulted in a number of schools carrying out a review of staffing and teaching assistants are being targeted for cuts."

There is more information about this story in the Leicester Mercury here.

Teaching assistants play a critical role in schools working alongside teacher colleagues to ensure all of children get the best education possible. Without them our classrooms will be poorer places. The Leicester City UNISON branch are a well organised branch and have a great track record in supporting and protecting members. UNISON members in schools are going to need the branch now, more than ever. And the branch is going to need workplace contacts and stewards in schools to help distribute information. So ,if you work in a school and you don't have a local rep or contact please talk to your colleagues and agree who you want to act as a local rep or contact point - and then contact the branch office to let them know.

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