Tuesday 16 March 2010

Speaking up for Social Workers

UNISON is putting its money where its mouth is, and funding this major national advertising campaign to improve public understanding of social work. Over the last few years the profession has taken a battering. Whilst the tragic stories hit the headlines, the thousands of children, families and vulnerable adults that social workers help every year go unnoticed.

We know that in addition to the high pressures of the job, social workers are struggling to cope with heavy workloads, too much paperwork and staff shortages. Morale has reached a new low. That’s why UNISON is taking the unprecedented step of launching an ad campaign to stand up for one group of workers.

The series of ads, which will hit local and national papers over the next two weeks, will highlight the important role social workers play in keeping vulnerable children and adults safe. The adverts, which will be backed up by advertorial features, are intended to bring to life the reality of social work, through the eyes of a child protection worker.

“The best thing about my job is seeing the outcomes. It can take weeks, months or even years until a child is heading in the right direction. But when that happens, you know that now a child has a much better chance in life and that is really satisfying.”

Laura Aspinall, child social worker, featured in UNISON’s ad campaign.

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